1741 W. Romneya Dr. Ste #E
Anaheim, CA 92801

PRP Stem Cell For Hair Loss

"Best Non-Surgical Hair Growth Therapy"
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Stem Cell Hair Restoration Therapy is an injection treatment that uses the components of a person’s own blood to stimulate hair growth. Platelets are very small cells in your blood that are involved in the clotting process. When PRP is injected into the damaged area it causes a mild inflammation that triggers the healing cascade. As the platelets organize in the tissue they release a number of enzymes to promote healing and restoration of tissue. They have also been shown to promote natural hair growth, reverses hair loss and prevents thinning or loss of existing hair
Understanding PRP Stem Cell Hair Therapy:
PRP Stem Cell Hair Restoration works by extracting blood from your body, separating the plasma from it, and injecting it back into your skin. This increases the concentration of stem cells in your blood. When the stem cells in your blood increase, they assist in the formation of new blood cells, promotion of new blood vessels, and inducing the growth of hair follicles. The PRP process is purely natural so there is no scope of any side-effects or ill-consequences.
Does it hurt?
We use a numbing cream to take away any discomfort during the entire procedure. You may experience some scalp tenderness for a couple hours following the procedure.
How is the procedure carried out?
A small quantity of blood (30cc‐50cc) is drawn from the patient into a syringe. This is a relatively small amount compared to blood donation which removes approximately up to 500cc. The blood is spun in a special centrifuge to separate its components (Red Blood Cells, Platelet Rich Plasma, and Plasma).
The platelet rich plasma is separated from the rest of the blood and then activated with a small amount of calcium to allow the release of growth factors from the platelets which in turn amplifies the healing process. Following the administration of local anesthesia, PRP is then injected directly into thinning areas of the scalp.
Who is a good candidate for PRP Stem Cell Hair Restoration?
Androgenetic hair loss (male and female pattern alopecia)
Traumatic or tension alopecia
Alopecia areata
Circatricial alopecia
Hair loss from chemotherapy
Hair loss due to trauma or stress, previous hair grafts, scar, etc
How long does it take to see the results?
You may see results as early as 8-10 weeks. Please keep in mind that most types of hair loss take years to occur.
How can you prepare for PRP Stem Cell Hair Restoration Therapy?
There is no need for any preparation beforehand. Avoid taking any NSAIDs or anti-inflammatory medications at least 7 days prior to getting treatment. Also, drink plenty of fluids and be sure to eat a light breakfast on the day of the procedure.
What is the recovery time needed?
There is practically no recovery time involved after the PRP treatment. The individual can resume daily activities immediately. However, there may be redness, swelling, pain, and slight discomfort which may last for a few hours before it subsides completely.
What precautions does one need to take?
PRP uses one’s own blood to induce healthy reactions in the skin, so there is no possibility of intense immune reactions, allergies, or transmission of diseases.
However, there are a few conditions that rule out the possibility of undergoing a PRP Stem Cell Hair Therapy. Some of them are as listed below:
• Platelet Dysfunction
• Critical Thrombocytopenia
• Hemodynamic Instability
• Autoimmune Disease
• Sepsis
• Acute And Chronic Diseases
• Pregnancy Chronic Liver Disease
• Anticoagulant Therapy
PRP Stem Cell Hair Regenerative Therapy is quite effective, no doubt, but only when carried out under the guidance of a highly trained and qualified professional. In other words, never compromise on the professional that will be handling your case and always opt for nothing but the best. Renu Dermatology is one of the premier medical center specializing in PRP Stem Cell Hair Restoration treatment.
True that PRP Stem Cell Hair Growth treatment is, perhaps, the best method to restore your hair, it won't be as effective if your lifestyle and diet are not in order. Therefore, ensure that you’re eating habits are on track, cut down on smoking and drinking, and consume plenty of water.
Call us now to make an appointment for your individualized PRP Stem Hair Restoration treatment.
Juvederm(Ultra plus, Voluma, Vollure)
Fat Dissolve/Lipodissolve
Steroid Injection
Saline Vein Injection
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) with Micro-needling
Tumescent Liposuction
Nano Fat Tranfer/Injection
Needle-less injections
Abscess drainage
Actinic keratosis destruction
Acne extraction
Acne laser treatment
Acne scar revision
Bump and lump correction
Cyst removal
Chemical peels (TCA, glycolic acid, salicylic acid)
Ear lobe repair
Excessive hair growth treatment
Eyelid stye drainage
Foreign body removal from skin
Hair loss treatment
Hypertrophic scar treatment
Ingrown nail surgery
Keloid injections
Laser hair removal
Face thread lifts, butt thread lifts
Melasma treatment
Mole removal
Non healing lesion biopsy
Nail disorder
Nail extraction
Rosacea treatment
Skin cancer excision
Skin rejuvenation
Skin tag removal/destruction
Skin tear closure
Skin lesion destruction/removal
Skin nodules removal and biopsy
Spider vein treatment
Sebaceous gland hyperplasia destruction/removal
Thread lifts
Warts removal/excision