1741 W. Romneya Dr. Ste #E
Anaheim, CA 92801

"Safer, Faster Recovery, Better Results and No Scarring"
Thinking about getting liposuction? It’s not a decision to embark on lightly. Here, you’ll find the most common asked questions about liposuction so you can decide if this procedure is right for you.
Several different techniques exist for performing liposuction. Two of the different techniques we perform are described below:
Tumescent Liposuction
For this option, your surgeon uses an injection of saline solution along with local anesthetic and a blood vessel-contracting medication. Considered the safest form of liposuction when performed using only local anesthesia, it reduces blood loss and bruising while numbing the area and loosening fat. Once the small incisions are made, your surgeon will vacuum out the fat. By avoiding the use of general anesthesia or heavy sedation via IV, it has removed the biggest dangers from older methods of this procedure.
Laser-Assisted Liposuction
Using this method, the laser ruptures the fat cells and then the liquefied fat is gently suctioned out. This allows for easier removal by the surgeon and provides greater ability to body sculpt. The recovery time is quicker too.
One of the best minimally invasive, laser-assisted liposuction methods is through Smartlipo™ which destroys and gets rid of fat cells for good. In fact, it is the only system of its kind to help create tighter skin in areas on the face, neck, jawline, and jowls. Smartlipo™ can also be used on the rest of the body, even in challenging areas. This FDA-approved laser-assisted liposuction system requires no general anesthesia or surgery and has you back to your life within 24 to 48 hours. It also coagulates small blood vessels instantly so there’s less bleeding, swelling, and bruising for a minimally-invasive treatment that is quickly gaining popularity.
Here at Renu Dermatology, we perform Smartlipo™ laser body contouring liposuction under local anesthesia while you are completely awake (Wake Liposuction), which is safer than traditional liposuction. We safely removes large quantities of fat through small incisions the size of a freckle without disturbing surrounding tissue, resulting in more rapid recovery. This procedure actually tightens the skin through coagulation and collagen stimulation thus minimizing dimpling and sagging skin. Our technique is the latest fat removal/body sculpting procedure providing dramatic improvements with greater results, minimal downtime, and less pain than traditional liposuction.
When is liposuction needed?
You might be a candidate for liposuction if you have been dieting and exercising and still can’t get rid of stubborn fat deposits. Liposuction shouldn’t ever be used for losing weight and instead a way to contour. While you will lose weight as a result of the process, it’s not the intended purpose. You’ll have your best results when you keep up healthy eating and exercising habits.
It can also be used to effectively remedy conditions like fat accumulation from benign fatty tumors known as lipomas, gynecomastia which is a condition that enlarges male breasts, or even for excessive bouts of sweating. Cosmetically though, it is ideal in areas where you have muscle tone, elastic skin, and there isn’t excessive fat. Skin tightening procedures can be employed to help with loose tissue if needed.
Am I A Good Candidate for Liposuction Surgery?
If you’re in good health, liposuction could be for you. Generally, you should only have areas of stubborn fat that you want corrected and reasonably elastic skin. Those that are overweight and proportionate aren’t the best candidates as they should follow diet and exercise to remove that weight rather than use liposuction.
Which Body Areas can be treated by Liposuction?
Women: abdomen, breasts, hips, outer thighs, anterior thighs, inner thighs, knees, arms, buttocks, cheeks and neck. Men: chin and neck area, abdomen, flanks (“love-handles”), and breasts.
Does the fat ever return after liposuction?
While liposuction does take care of the fat permanently, it can’t stop you from gaining weight down the road. Even if you do put on some pounds, the areas you’ve treated with liposuction should still look better. Your body’s new shape is usually permanent, though if you gain more weight, it will look like a larger version. Fat cells won’t come back.
What are the risks?
With tumescent liposuction, it’s very safe and has few side effects. Clinical studies have shown that on average, 2 quarts of fat are removed and cause no major complications. However, dangers do arise if too much liposuction is performed at once or multiple surgical procedures unrelated to the liposuction are done in one day.
It’s rare but infections, skin ulcerations, nerve injury, and bleeding can occur. These risks are much lower stacked against other surgeries. By choosing us, you can have complete peace of mind for liposuction success.
How long is the does it take to recover?
You’ll notice that lidocaine, which is the local anesthetic, covers you for 12 to 24 hours after liposuction which helps you feel free of pain. After the procedure, you’ll feel alert and free of the symptoms that comes with general anesthesia. You can walk on your own though someone will need to drive you home. Minimal bruising will occur and most patients won’t need pain medication once they get home. You can resume your normal work schedule within 2 days while physical exercise is generally not recommended until 3 to 7 days post-procedure.
A follow-up with the doctor after one week is done to ensure you’re healing properly. You’ll notice your results the same day of the procedure and from there, they’ll look even better with it peaking around 6 months later.
How does it affect the way my skin looks? Does liposuction produce visible scars?
If your skin was elastic before liposuction, you should have a smooth and natural look. Scars are rare in these modern styles of liposuction which employ tiny cannulas which need only the smallest of incisions.
What’s the difference between Abdominal Liposuction and “Tummy Tuck”?
The difference is that a tummy tuck is considered major surgery. You’d need general anesthesia. It requires liposuction plus an excision to get rid of fat and a big excision of your skin. For most patients, having abdominal liposuction can usually provide the same or even better results. Plus, liposuction is safer with less scarring which is why it’s becoming more popular.
When do I see the results?
It could be 6 to 12 months post-procedure before you see the full effects of liposuction. Generally, you’ll notice within a month. After 3 weeks, the swelling has subsided and you’ll look better than you did before and feel confident in your swimwear.
How much fat is removed?
The amount of fat removed depends on the patient. Our surgeon will remove enough fat to create a natural result that is proportional. It requires removing the right amount of fat in the right places. Therefore, it might be half a pound or even on up to 10 pounds.
Our surgeon won’t take away more than that extreme in one surgery nor will they attempt to do too many areas in one procedure. This can be risky when there is more than the denoted 5 liters of fat (which amounts to roughly 11 pounds).
What happens if I gain weight after liposuction?
Done correctly, liposuction improves your body contours permanently. So, even if you gain weight, the proportions of your body will remain the same. They’ll only be slightly less visible. Lose the weight and you’ll see those contours again.
Will I have loose skin after liposuction?
Laser-assisted liposuction coagulates blood vessels and stimulate collagen which helps to tighten skin and improve elasticity. Your skin will re-drape itself and retract to fit the tissue beneath. During your consultation, you’ll find out if you’re a good candidate for liposuction based on your skin elasticity. If not, other treatments will be recommended instead.
What are Elastic Compression Garments? How long do I need to wear it?
These are simply girdles with a special design which helps reduce bleeding and swelling right after surgery to minimize your body’s healing time. Because of tumescent and laser procedures, surgical bleeding has been eliminated. However, we recommend that you wear one of these compression garments post-procedure, usually around 10 days.
Can the unwanted fat be injected into other areas of the body after it is removed?
Yes, it can. Fat transfer (AKA lipotransfer or lipofilling) involves removing unwanted fat then transplanting it somewhere else to give more volume. You can have the fat injected into your hands, buttocks, face, lips, breast, legs or any other part. A Brazilian butt lift is just one example of a procedure where fat from a liposuction is injected into the buttock making it more attractive and prominent.
Why should I do liposuction at Renu Dermatology?
We employ the latest minimally-invasive liposuction/body sculpturing techniques resulting in:
minimial risks and side effects
faster recovery
minimal tissue damage
minimal anesthetic used
minimal bruising
optimal removal of fat cells
more precise treatment
more pleasing shape/contour
Juvederm(Ultra plus, Voluma, Vollure)
Fat Dissolve/Lipodissolve
Steroid Injection
Saline Vein Injection
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) with Micro-needling
Tumescent Liposuction
Nano Fat Tranfer/Injection
Needle-less injections
Abscess drainage
Actinic keratosis destruction
Acne extraction
Acne laser treatment
Acne scar revision
Bump and lump correction
Cyst removal
Chemical peels (TCA, glycolic acid, salicylic acid)
Ear lobe repair
Excessive hair growth treatment
Eyelid stye drainage
Foreign body removal from skin
Hair loss treatment
Hypertrophic scar treatment
Ingrown nail surgery
Keloid injections
Laser hair removal
Face thread lifts, butt thread lifts
Melasma treatment
Mole removal
Non healing lesion biopsy
Nail disorder
Nail extraction
Rosacea treatment
Skin cancer excision
Skin rejuvenation
Skin tag removal/destruction
Skin tear closure
Skin lesion destruction/removal
Skin nodules removal and biopsy
Spider vein treatment
Sebaceous gland hyperplasia destruction/removal
Thread lifts
Warts removal/excision